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How much does diesel cost in 2021?

Retail diesel prices measured by the benchmark weekly Department of Energy/Energy Information Administration price — used for most fuel surcharges — rose more than 17% over the course of the year, jumping to $3.613/gallon on Monday from $3.079/gallon on Jan. 3, 2021.

What factors affect diesel fuel prices?

Local market conditions and factors such as the location of the fueling station can also affect retail diesel fuel prices. Some retail outlets are owned and operated by refiners, and others are independent businesses that purchase diesel fuel for resale to the public. Why are diesel fuel prices higher than gasoline prices?

What is the excise tax on diesel fuel?

In addition, the federal excise tax on diesel fuel is 6 cents higher per gallon than the federal excise tax on regular-grade gasoline. To view recent diesel fuel prices and forecasts for diesel fuel prices, visit the Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update and the Short-Term Energy Outlook.

How much does a gallon of diesel cost?

It’s going to come back and haunt us all.” The current national average for a gallon of diesel jumped more than 10% in the last month, and is 77% higher than a year ago. Prices in the Northeast are all well over $6 a gallon, and in a half-dozen states in New England as well as New York the prices have more than doubled over the last year.

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